After having worked what seems like a lifetime building your business, you now want to look to the future toward your retirement dream, whether it be at age 55 or 75. How do you facilitate your vision of retirement?
Who Will Pick Up the Reins?
You have a number of choices available: you may turn the business over to a son or daughter; you may sell or convey the business to a key employee; you may turn the business over to all the employees; you may find a third party interested in buying your company; or liquidation may be an option.
Each of these options entails a number of factors, not the least of which is your personal role after the transfer, the tax ramifications of the transfer, and the continuing success of the company. In a combined effort with the resources provided by Delucchi Hawn you will develop a detailed roadmap of the steps necessary in each of these areas.
It is entirely possible that you could sell your company, pay absolutely no tax, and enjoy the benefits of 100% of the sale price. It is possible you could sell your company and at the same time provide a benefit to your favorite charity or charities, enjoy the income during your lifetime, and provide an estate for your family.
These and many other options are readily available to you through proper planning with Delucchi Hawn.
Team with Delucchi Hawn to achieve your retirement goals.